On Fri, 16 Apr 1999 MRobe33243@aol.com wrote:
> It seems that VTR is adrift in a miasma,
I'll add to what Andrew Mace said about the convention. I am a member of
NET and have gone to so of the VTR Convention meetings and it seams that
the registration is slow. That means you other TR owners are guilty of "
failure to acknowledge your/their existence". those people are working
their butts off to get through a lot of problems. Maybe for the next VTR
convention you Mrobe33243 should (step forward to carry the Standards) and
host it. It ain't no party for the host club workers. While my involvement
is only as a supplier of signs I know because I have been involved in
concours events with the Jag club I am also a member off. I you get the
impression I'm pissed at your reference to the VTR convention folks not
doing their job YOU GOT IT!!!!!!!!!!!
the arthur (still pissed off)
ps i'm going with out a TR because its in pieces but i'm bloody well going.