>Here I go again, asking the list help for a friend.
Isn't that what it's for ?
>The car runs well but has a miss...or a dead spot all across the power
>range. What we have found so far is that there is no vacuum advance
>getting to the distributor. There is vacuum getting to the valve thing
>that is in the upper radiator hose, but it doesn't go beyond that.
>Shouldn't it?
The vacuum advance is just a rubber diaphram that connects to the points
plate and pulls it around as the vacuum on it's other side increases. It's
an economy thing not a performance thing and won't affect power, but yes it
should have vacuum up to the diaphram. disconnect teh hose at teh manifold
and with dizzy cap off give it a suck. the points plate should rotate a bit..
>The thermostat may not be working properly as the gauge usually does not
>register any heat building up. Could that be the problem? Timing
>appears to be at about 4 after at idle. It has a Crane electronic
>ignition so points are not an issue. Cylinder pressure is between 120
>and 130.
4 deg after should be too retarded, although I'm not familiar with those
weird american pollutions mods...
120-130 sounds low to me, that's about 6:1 compression isn't it....does it
smoke ? it could ahve no compression rings left but oil rings coked up and
thuis not letting oil past, does it blow seals in the engine ?
>TIA.....and if you feel so inclined, respond off the list as to keep down
>the 'wasted' bandwidth....
Why ? Nothing like remote diagnosis of an engine problem to get a really
good argument going :)
Damian Carvolth
"I'm just a startled bunny in the headlights of life", L.J. Young
http://dove.mtx.net.au/~bryanb/members.htm#Damian Carvolth