How about a turkey baster? Might need a rubber hose on the end to bring
it down small enough for the brake pipes. I agree you should keep the
alcohol away from the rubber parts. Does your car have the restrictor
inline to the rear brakes? Might want to remove it before flushing. The
manual I have says to use "methylated spirits" which I looked up in my
British to American translation dictionary and found was plain old
denatured alcohol solvent (get it at a hardware or paint store). Might
want to blow a little compressed air to push out as much alcohol as
possible before reassembling. Then be sure to "waste" plenty of the
fresh, clean brake fluid as a final flush.
Alan Myers
San Jose, Calif.
'62 TR4 #CT17602
Philip E. Barnes wrote:
> At 11:06 AM -0700 8/13/98, John Cowan wrote:
> > I plan to flush the brake lines on my TR-4A with alcohol before
> >reinstalling the Master Cylinder. The best approach would seem to be
> >disconnecting one line from its slave cylinder, starting from the
> farthest
> >most, flushing out the open line, reconnecting it and then moving on
> to the
> >next. Then, when all four have been done and reconnected, opening up
> the
> >bleed valves one at a time on the slave cylinders to flush them out,
> too.
> >Then, repeating the whole process with fresh brake fluid, using the
> >reinstalled MC.
> > The question is, what can I use initially to pump the alcohol
> through
> >the system? I don't want to use the MC, since I only want to put
> brake
> >fluid into it. Any suggestions would be appreciated.
> I'd be very reluctant to run alcohol through anything other than the
> brake
> pipes themselves. (Perhaps I misunderstand you.) Using a large syringe
> to
> force the alcohol through the pipes ought to work. I'd try to get a
> good
> lab-grade isopropyl or methyl-alcohol; they are very dry. Blow them
> out
> with compressed air when you're done.
> Phil Barnes (
> Cortland, NY (nowhere near New York City)
> '71 TR6 CC61193L (21 year owner)