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Re: Any UK listers out there?<

To: James <>
Subject: Re: Any UK listers out there?<>
Date: Wed, 20 May 1998 15:58:20 +0000 (GMT)
References: <>
>I think we should have a game trying to guess why Rich keeps braking his
>vertical links. So heres my top 10 ideas as to why!

>1.  Trying to get air in a Spifire is NOT a good thing!

I take it you mean airborne, been there done that!! :-)

>2.  Atempting to tranvers sleeping policemen in the road at 35 MPH.

yep, Market Harborough is traffic calming city, well town anyway!!! :-)

>3.  Replacing the shock adsorber by a peace of tree.

Hmmmmm, that's an idea!

>4.  Jumping up an down in the car or doing somthing to cause that type
>of motion:-)

Oh, it's been a couple of years since I had a bit of human fulfilment in it,
and before anyone says anything, No, I wasn't on my own!!! :-)

>5.  Trying to drive in an extreamly strate line by flowing the curb with
>you front wheel.

Nearly did that last night, once whilst waving at someone I knew, then as I
went into an island too fast and had the arse end slide out!!! The cars not
mine!! :-)

>6.  A novel way of removing wheel clamps without paying the fine.

Nope, never been clamped!

>7.  Realy crap a buying replacements.

until the last one, they had all been s/h ones that I had lying around so that
may pin point the problem. :-)

>8.  Hopless at installing replacements.

Thanks!! I think I have the hang of working on it now!!! :-)  I have been known
to change both front trunnion bushes in about 10 minutes before!!

>9.  Nextdoor neighbour owns a Midget, and sneeks out at night with

Nope, he has a Spit, I talked him into buying it!!!

>10. Way to powerfull music system, and realy crap music at with the same
>resonat frequency as the vertica lint.

Naaah, not much chance of that with a goodmans Stereo!!! :-)

>Two extra, forgetting the put a mini round-about in at the end of the
>street.  OR your Marmot has gon MAD!

That's what it is, those bloody Marmots, right time to upset the MLF(Marmot
liberation front) and kill a few. :-)



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