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Re: Spit clutch question

To: Sam Gentry <>, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Spit clutch question
From: (Tom O'Malley)
Date: Sat, 28 Mar 1998 20:32:07 GMT
References: <>
Sam writes...
>At times when the clutch pedal is pressed it falls to the floor like the
>pedal was connected to NOTHING.  No noticable resistance other than the
>return spring.  If the pedal is raised and pressed again it works the next
>time (every time according to the owner).  It is not losing fluid so I
>don't see how it could be master or slave cylinder.

I can think of two thing that might cause this.  The internal spring
in the slave might be broken.  Without this spring, the slave piston
is free to move back from it's fully extended position.  Vibration
from the clutch linkage can do this.

The first time you work the clutch, you're just pushing it back to
where it should be, drawing fluid in behind.  If you work the clutch
a second time right after, it extends further now and releases the

The second thing that might cause this is a bad MC.  I had one last
year that did something similar but not exactly.  It was "speed
sensitive".  If I stepped on the pedal normally, it went straight to
the floor.  If I hit it really quickly,  it worked fine.  I believe
that the seals were worn and the rapid push was enough to expand the
worn seal just enough to function.  A new seal kit fixed the problem.

BTW, in each case there were no obvious leaks.

Tom O'Malley
'74, '77 spits 

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