In a message dated 98-03-27 01:18:08 EST, writes:
<< Peter -
DON'T USE STEEL WOOL!!! Nor a scrubby pad, nor an abrasive cleanser.
They'll all scratch the chrome.
Try the chemicals first. Actually, I've had success removing overspray
from the chrome on my Herald using a soft rag soaked in gasoline, which
is a bit more easily available than acetone or laquer thinner.
Bill Kelly >>
Sorry, Bill but you are wrong. Very fine steel wool (000 or 0000) polishes
chrome, brass and other shiny metals extremely well. I just finished my TR3B's
hubcaps. They looked like junk, but after a good scrubbing with 4-ought steel
wool, they looked brand new. I used Formula 409 inside the hubs to get the
road crud out, but on the front surface, nothing but the wool.
By the way, please don't use anything soaked in gasoline as a cleaner - it's
far too dangerous. Mineral spirits, paint thinners, acetone, etc, are fine
(but still combustible - so be careful) but never gasoline. Just my .02.
Les Landon