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Re: Battery charging -

To: Barry Schwartz <>
Subject: Re: Battery charging -
From: Malcolm Walker <>
Date: Fri, 27 Mar 1998 11:09:18 -0800 (PST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

On Fri, 27 Mar 1998, Barry Schwartz wrote:

> O.K. heres one for all you battery experts out there.  I've always wondered
> which method was best for the battery.  Situation, assuming a fairly good,
> sound battery:  The battery is discharged to the point of barely turning
> the engine over.  The water level is still covering the plates, but could
> use topping up, i.e. the level is not at the bottom of the filler holes -
> Is it better to charge the battery fully, then top off the cells or top
> them off first, then charge?  I'm sure either way won't be that detrimental

I vote to top up the water first, then charge.

When the battery is charged it bubbles, and if you go too fast it will
'boil' off the electrolyte.  Better to keep the plates covered than to
risk exposing them.

The electrolyte experiences a chemical change as it charges, I think that
diluting it makes the battery weaker... so dilute it before you charge it.

Two arguments


PS Don't forget to check the water level after charging

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