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Re: MGB Distributor

To: On the Mark <>
Subject: Re: MGB Distributor
From: Trevor Boicey <>
Date: Fri, 13 Mar 1998 01:58:37 -0500
Cc: "'triumph mailing list'" <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Organization: BRIT Inc.
References: <>
On the Mark wrote:
> Has anyone on the list heard of using a MGB distributor in a Spit?

  I used an MGB distribtor on my Midget 1500, which works out to
the same thing I guess.

  The only trouble is the vacuum system can be all wrong, cap it off
if it's wrong and go without.

> My biggest fear would be organ rejection by the
> car. Would it encyst the new distributor? ;)'s all LUCAS stuff anyways, no sacred octagons on there.

Trevor Boicey
Ottawa, Canada

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