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Re: flashers won't flash

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: flashers won't flash
From: "Larry Hooven" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Mar 1998 22:24:47 PST

At 3:06 PM +1000 13/3/98, Larry Hooven wrote:

>trevor, i don't know for sure but according to my diagram for the spit,
>the bulbs resistance is used as part of the timing circuit for "blink"
>rate, gm is famous for this.  that's how you tell you have a brake 
>out, when you hit the signal and the arrow's don't go blinky blinky, tr
>series may be different, but even the 63 chevy uses this method. (which
>is why you'll find p/u  trucks with trailers blink faster, lower
>resistance in the bulbs)

That is a fairly widespread practice (even TRs), for the obvious reason
that it tells the driver that a bulb has failed.  Usually however, the
internal turn indicator light stays on and does not blink or blinks very
slowly.  I also seem to remember that the hazard lights always blink at 
same rate regardless of the state of the bulbs, but I would need to 

I just think that it would be too much of a coincidence for both front 
rear bulbs on one side to fail together.  It is not impossible, but it 
not the first place that I would look.

Trevor Jordan
74 TR6 CF29281U

I have the blinkers do that on all my cars with just the brake lights 
out, the other lights will light but not blink due to the 2nd filament 
in the bulb being burnt out. (learned this at the expense of "press hard 
3 copys" at the side of the road.)  the hazard lights generally are 
they're own light bulbs, the spit is set up that way, but then again it 
is a us car, don't know if things "down under" are different.  hmmm 
would have to call frank, but he wont be in tommorow as it's saturday 
there tommorow here.  damn time line.  and it is always the first place 
i look, although a corroded connection did blow it for my theory once, 
(what do you want on a 35 year old truck).  it will be interesting to 
see if lord lucas has struck again....

g'd day (my best impersonation of my austrailian counter parts.)

1979 spitfire  #FM99248U currently several shades of overspray

65 thousand driveway miles, at least it seems that way from pushing it 

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