At 4:31 AM +1000 13/3/98, ABunch726 wrote:
>The other type uses some sort of threaded piston inside the caliper.
>When the parking brake is pulled it spins the piston and extends it out of the
>caliper to push the pad against the rotor.
This sounds like the type fitted to the Rover 2000/3500 (P6) with inboard
rear discs and deDion suspension. If so, do not bother trying to replicate
it. The only use for the handbrake in an emergency was as a grab-handle -
it certainly had no discernable effect on speed.
This arrangement also required the diff to be lowered to change the pads
and a special tool to wind the piston back in. I have been told that
E-type Jag was even worse: the muffler had to be removed first.
Trevor Jordan
74 TR6 CF29281U