I use a Canadian rebranding of GoJo Orange with Pumice. Good stuff & I
like the smell. Also, I scrub with surgical soft nylon scrub brushes I get
by the dozen from Lee Valley Tools. These scrub brushes clean the worst
grime out of the pores and from under the fingernails - Its the scrub that
ensures a real great cleaning.
> From: Shane F. Ingate <ingate@shiseis.com>
> To: Peter.Hore@dhs.vic.gov.au
> Cc: triumphs@autox.team.net
> Subject: Re: carb. cleaner and Hand cleaner
> Date: Monday, February 23, 1998 10:14 AM
> Peter Hore asked:
> > Speaking of clean hands, whats the BEST hand cleaner you can buy?
> Its gotta be a *personal* thing, but I like the GoJo Orange and Pumice
> hand cleaner. The citrus actually smells quite nice and is not
> like many lanolin-based cleaners, so it maintains its consistency
> its life. IMHO, it does a better job of cleaning hands without leaving
> an oily feeling, but too much use will have the pumice abrading too much
> skin. It also works without water, which is great if you dont have
> running water in the garage. I always carry a tube of the stuff in
> the car for when there are "unscheduled" maintenance jobs. ;)
> I've tried MANY cleaners, 'cuz I'm a mite obsessive about clean hands
> when I work on the car (which also helps in keeping the car and tools
> too!). I figure I am on a winner now.
> Shane Ingate and his $0.02 in San Diego