The registration year of a vehicle is based on the year the chassis and body
where manufactured, not what engine is in it. If your car is a '79, you
could put a '70 engine in it, and it will still be a '79.
Lawrence R Zink
-----Original Message-----
From: James <>
To: <>
Cc: joe curry <>; james <>;
triumphs mail list <>
Date: Monday, February 02, 1998 3:39 AM
Subject: Re: The International Triumph Spitfire Database
>How does one tell which engin is in the thing. Will compression
>be a good indecator, with my old 1500 head, I guess it would be less
>than with the 1300 head.
>Does this meen that I can claim my car is older than 25 years old
>for tax purposes.
>More to the point do I get cheaper insurance?
>James Carpenter
>Yellow '79 spit wired by a trained marmot