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Re: New owner: quest on TR6

Subject: Re: New owner: quest on TR6
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 11:57:51 -0500 (EST)
Cc: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net

It's me again... the central scrutinizer..

Again we see Mary's......<cut>!

Whoops wrong news group.

WRT your comments about pulling out the choke...

I want to point out the manual says to step on the the gas pedal as you 
pull on the choke knob. There are "detents" on the choke thingie, and if 
you put pressure on the accelerator, the choke will pull out with very 
little effort.

I learned this _just before_ I replaced my heater switch plinth.

have a nice day.
Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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