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Re: Quest of the Holy Wheel (American Racing Equip)

Subject: Re: Quest of the Holy Wheel (American Racing Equip)
From: Bob Lang <LANG@ISIS.MIT.EDU>
Date: Fri, 27 Jun 1997 11:29:25 -0500 (EST)
Cc:, triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Hi Folks.

Ah, the 4-spoke American Racing wheel...

We visit this topic about once every six months or so.

It took me two years to find one.

I can tell you just about everybody on the east coast that is lookin' for 
a 4th wheel, there are a lot of "sets of three" out there. Just about 
every owner of one of these partial sets won't sell. I went to Carlisle, 
PA, I called everybody in Hemmings. I talked to wheel shops.

I wish you better luck than I had.

Pete: Which size do you want/need.

I could be talked out of either a 5.5 inch or a 6 inch, but the price is 
very high (I need the money to replace them with "something else".)

I will state that the last guy I talked to with three was pretty much 
gagging when our phone conversation ended... ;-)


p.s. if I break up my set, do you think it will cause some sort of ripple 
in the fabric of reality? Will the world ever be the same again? Is there 
any way I can get them from Boston to Dallas? Stay tuned!
Bob Lang                Room 11-221            | This space for rent.
Consultant              MIT Computer Services  |        
Voice: (617)253-7438    FAX: (617)258-9535     |

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