>So I've finally done the rest of the system and have the master cylinder
>on the coffee table in the living room. I'm trying to get the "Tipping
>Valve Retaining Nut" off, and I find that I need some strange (at least to
>my toolbox) tool that resembles an allen wrench with a 1/2" diameter.
>Actually, it needs to fit into my torque wrench, so it would have to have
>some sort of socket adapter.
Got a bucket of bolts in the shed? Get one with a 1/2 inch head. Put the head
down into the tipping retaining nut, and grasp the threads of that bolt
up with a pair of vice grips, twist it on out of there. Works like a champ.
Reverse procedure to re-install, double jam a set of nuts on it if you really
like using a torque wrench on reinstallation.