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Re: Phony Sportscar!

To: triumphs@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Re: Phony Sportscar!
From: Murry J Mercier <>
Date: Tue, 13 May 1997 10:13:39 -0400 (EDT)
     From my limited experience it seems that the 'Sportscar' owners (those 
     that speak Japanese, German, Italian..) in my area look on me as the 
     'Phony' or at least lacking in good judgment!  The advice that I 
     received when I was contemplating an LBC (last year) was usually 
     '..get a Miata..'.
     Here I am nine months later top down w/ morning temps in the 30s & 
     40s, slight mist with forecast of showers,  come-to-think-of it, maybe 
     they ARE right! But who cares?  
     I do have the tonneau on as the showers may have 'small hail'...
     I guess that's what '...4th gear, 3500 RPM and the windshield are 
     Top-down in Central Ohio
     Murry Mercier
     PS: I will look for additional input as a participant at the 13th 
     Annual British Car Show at the Continent on Sunday (9a to 4p, May 18) 
     to cap the 1st British Car Week.  Drive in with your top down and look 
     me up. (Ohio Lic: MJM TR6, Green <Work-in-progress>)
     (SR 161 E of I 71 @ Busch Blvd. in north Columbus, Ohio)
     Admission free...  swap meet... Triumph is the featured Marque...
     ------------------------ Reply Separator ------------------
     Date: 12 May 1997 13:38:18 -0400
     From: Peter Mchugh <>
     Subject: Re: Phony Sportscar!
     The explanation is have a real sports car!  They don't 
     build such a thing in Japan...and only barely on the continent.
     BTW, what did you mean "If the sun is bright, the top is outta sight"? 
     What do you think 4th gear, 3500 RPM and the windshield are for??? 
          76 Spitfire
          73 TR-6
     > snip

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