In a message dated 97-03-01 15:57:09 EST,
(Kinderlehrer's) writes:
> and when I pulled into my
> driveway soon after and turned it off, coolant was dripping out of the
>overflow. So, I am not quite there yet.
That means that the coolant is boiling. Pressure in the system will raise
the boiling point of the coolant. You should have 7 (or 4lbs) depending on
the radiator cap. You might want to have a mechanic check your cooling system
pressure. Simple job -they just remove the radiator cap and screw on a
pressure guage.
> Any thoughts on the next steps? There was mention in the thread of missing
> shrouds. I probably am missing this since there is nothing in front of
> radiator except the grille and nothing behind but the fan. Since my
> is at idle and it seems the shroud would be for channeling air at speed,
> this probably won't provide the biggest return, right?
The shroud is important, since it channels any air coming in - even the air
which the fan is pulling into the engine compartment at idle. I also use
"Water Wetter" and have had excellent results from it. Remember that the TR4
radiator is rather small and everything helps. I have considered the over
flow bottle but have just not gotten around to it.
BTW what about your mixture of antifreeze/water for the coolant. More
antifreeze is NOT better. 50/50 (at least 50% water) mix is the start point.
I usually run mine at 70% water - water cools better than antifreeze - but
I live in FL and the since the outside temp rarely goes below freezing I
don't need as much protection against it. Good luck and let us know how it
works out. Cheers
Art Kelly '64TR4 CT33118L (original owner)