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Re: Valve jobs<>

To: Michael Marr <>
Subject: Re: Valve jobs<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Mon, 28 Oct 1996 09:51:30 +0000 (GMT)
References: <>

>We shouldn't forget that 15,000 miles was two to three years use for the
>average British driver back then.  And, a decarbonization (or "decoke",
>as we Brits call it), was just that - carbon was removed and valves were
>ground in, but not replaced, refaced or new seats inserted unless
>absolutely necessary.  Thus, it wasn't too expensive and most owners of
>TRs had a little extra cash anyway, so they didn't mind paying it.  Of
>course, you could always do a "chinese decoke" (excuse the political
>incorrectness, but that's what we called it).  This consisted of pouring
>Red-X (a fuel additive and upper cylinder lubricant/cleaner that could
>also procure world peace if you beleived all the stories told by "the
>lads" in Grays, Essex) down the spark plug holes and then driving at high
>speed until all the white smoke dissipated...  I wonder, is Red-X still
>made? Those were the days...
>Michael J. Marr
>Home:  414-563-2974
>Office:  414-278-6010

Hmmm, another Brit in the USA, you're not the only one Bob.S!!! :-)

Anyway, Redex IS still available, and yes it still leaves a nice white smoke
screen behind!!!! Don't whether it actually works though!!! :-)


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