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Re: FibreGlass + (RE: Re: Herald Engine)<961024021439_1113061475@emout18

Subject: Re: FibreGlass + (RE: Re: Herald Engine)<>
From: "Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570"<>
Date: Fri, 25 Oct 1996 09:23:59 +0000 (GMT)
><You wrote:
><What are the quality of the fiberglas
><reproductions that Rimmer and others sell?

>As long it is the same "quality" as the TR fibreglass panels, it's pretty poor!

>--surface cracks
>--too much material on some places, too less on others
>--overall diameters wrong, either too long or too short
>-- you need more info?....<g>

>it's british..., what did you expect? :)

If British stuff is so SHIT, why do you all crave for it?????  :-)
>-----come on, I've got my asbestos suit allready on--- ;-)

Rich - I'm heading your way with a Flamenwerfer(sp)  :-)    

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  • Re: FibreGlass + (RE: Re: Herald Engine)<>, Richard Jackson - Network Technician ext. 2570 <=