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Mystery Transmission Parts

Subject: Mystery Transmission Parts
From: "Tim Hoffman" <>
Date: Mon, 11 Sep 1995 17:45:13 +0000
Comments: Authenticated sender is <>
Priority: normal
I had the transmission tunnel cover off yesterday in my '74 Spitfire 
in order to track down a loose shifter and I discovered a seemingly 
unused bracket attached to the 2 front top cover extension bolts.  
Mounted in this mystery bracket was a mystery switch that closes via 
a cam whenever the transmission is in gear. ANY gear.

What is the switch for?  I do not have overdrive, but maybe the "base" 
transmission is out of a car with overdrive?

It will be living the rest of its life in my spare parts box unless 
somebody can give me a good reason to put it back!


Tim Hoffman                 

'90 Eclipse GST, '88 Conquest TSi, '85 Nissan P/U, '77 Sterling #762, 
'76 Sterling #484, '75 Sterling #392, '74 Spitfire, 2 cats, and a 
parrot named Ross.

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