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Re: Window Cranks

To: "Daniel S. Eiland" <deiland1@elp.rr.com>
Subject: Re: Window Cranks
From: Steve Laifman <Laifman@flash.net>
Date: Sat, 20 May 2000 09:09:16 -0700
"Daniel S. Eiland" wrote:
> Hi Listers,
> � - - - Seems that the
> window will crank up and down quite easily when I loosen a couple of the
> screws holding it in place. As soon as I tighten the screws it seems to put
> the thing in a bind. 
> Dan Eiland
> B382002652LRXFE


A sure sign that the window guide channels are out of
alignment, perhaps bent. They must be parallel to each other,
and the adjustment screws are not easy to reach. The door
panel must be removed.

There are two rubber plugs (if they are still there) on the
bottom - inside of your doors (front and rear). Theses are
through the bottom slotted adjustment hole, the front having
two. The front is not easy to get a socket around the nuts, as
they are close together. I forget which screws retain the top,
but think the rear is on the back edge of the door, and the
front is between the window and the outer door skin, and also
hard to reach without leaving a little sacrificial blood behind.

The top hold downs may also have to be loosened, and the whole
assembly re-adjusted. First in the process is to assure the
front �wind wing� is correctly positioned, relative to the
windshield, and the bottom half of that rail (which
slide-locks into the top) is in-line with the top. Push the
glass to the front channel and make the rear fit the glass
well, sliding the window up/down to assure it�s not binding.

You may have bad felt in front or rear, two in front, so check
them too.

Steve Laifman         < Find out what is most     >
B9472289              < important in your life    >
                      < and don't let it get away!>

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