Don't hold back, for you seem to be an expert about all this Shelby/Tiger
history. You must be a lucky guy to have all these facts surrounding the
Tiger story at your disposal.
> From: Rande Bellman <rande@thecia.net>
> To: Tiger News Group <tigers@autox.team.net>
> Subject: Shelby and Tigers
> Date: Tuesday, March 09, 1999 4:15 AM
> I've been holding back on commenting on all of the Shelby talk, one to
> finish some weekend deadlines, and two, because more Tiger folks
> continue to weigh in. I will have more to say later.
> For now, as you already know, Tigers and their owners seem to be very
> welcome to join Shelby clubs. For you N.E.or Eastern Tiger dudes, Labor
> Day weekend at Lime Rock Park in CT is a good time to bring Tigers. In
> the past, SAAC gets to park their members cars on the track on
> Sunday(non-racing day) and there have been several Tigers in the mix(ask
> Dana and Marlene Freeman), as well as some neat AC 289 Sports and other
> adult toys(with wheels, that is).