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[Spridgets] Likely Pilot Bushing problem + cam question

Subject: [Spridgets] Likely Pilot Bushing problem + cam question
From: an5.sprite at gmail.com (Steven Guterman)
Date: Fri, 17 Jun 2011 15:44:28 -0400
References: <BANLkTikpKfB_uMRG62QhjaE6W6KZtOKnmg@mail.gmail.com> <84BF7CED-3FC1-4AC8-8E00-3F22BF4333B0@gmail.com> <BANLkTimbM1=mdVroQdXGThto5V0j6H0evg@mail.gmail.com> <0D305877-FAD8-4D35-83F7-47A1DEBF8D74@gmail.com>

No clutch burning smell or vibration. Currently no squealing sound, but
every now and then I did get a squealing sound when I depressed the clutch
and put it in gear.

The fork had no play at the hinge joint when it was assembled.  Any idea how
much movement I should getting at the slave? When my wife was pushing the
clutch pedal the clutch rod looked like it moved immediately.


On Fri, Jun 17, 2011 at 3:20 PM, Kevin Valentine <kevinv1275 at gmail.com>wrote:

> On Jun 17, 2011, at 3:09 PM, Steven Guterman wrote:
>  Kevin
>> The car drove OK for about 30 miles.  I then could not get it into any
>> gear after a stop sign. I was able to start it in 1st gear and by shifting
>> carefully got it home.  It is more of a creeping, I can still definitely
>> feel a difference when I lift the clutch and it engages.
> Is it making any noise when you have the clutch pedal pushed in?  Any
> squealing? Any vibration?  Do you smell the clutch burning?
> Usually the pilot bushing will not keep the car moving when the clutch is
> depressed.  I'd lean more towards insufficient movement of the throw-out
> bearing.  That can be caused by air in the system, a bad master or slave
> cylinder, a bent clutch fork, a short or worn push rod at the master or the
> slave,  or  worn parts in the connections of the push rods. (to name a few).
> Kevin V.
> Tuscarora, Pa

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