Regarding float bowl flooding, check fuel pump pressure (and volume).
SU's and similar carbs require low pressure pumps. If someone installed
an after market, high volume high pressure pump that may be your
problem. But I'm sure you've checked for that, right?
I apologize if this has already been mentioned; may have missed it.
WFO Herb
Keep the sticky side down!
Jeff Boatright wrote:
> Mike,
> Not at all. I'm saying that I've tried both in the same set of carbs
> and both worked fine. What is causing the massive float bowl
> flooding? Are your needle valves new or old and worn out? Are they
> set correctly? Does the float actually float? These are questioned I
> would answer before purchasing Grose Jets.
> Jeff
> At 9:53 AM -0500 11/7/00, Michael Lupynec wrote:
> >Jeff, I am thinking of putting Grose jets in my stock Bugeye to
> >eliminate the infrequent but massive float bowl flooding. Are you
> >saying they were no better in that regard?
> >
> >Mike L
> >60A,67E,59Bug
> _____________________________________________________________
> Jeffrey H. Boatright, PhD
> Assistant Professor, Emory Eye Center, Atlanta, GA, USA
> Senior Editor, Molecular Vision, http://www.molvis.org/molvis
> mailto:jboatri@emory.edu