Over the years I have used both Grose jets and the stock needle type with
equal sucess. Usually, if all else is correct, either will work quite well.
I have found that the Grose jets tend to work a little better (but not much)
with a pump that puts out too much pressure for SU's.
I would tend to look more closely at the floats, the float adjustment, and
pump pressure before I accused the needle/grose of being the problem.
Larry Miller
----- Original Message -----
From "Frank Clarici" <spritenut at Exit109.com>
To: <curt.onstott@orst.edu>
Cc: <jboatri@emory.edu>; <mlupynec@globalserve.net>;
Sent: Tuesday, November 07, 2000 4:53 PM
Subject: Re: "On the road again ..."
> curt.onstott@orst.edu wrote:
> >
> > I always had worse flooding problems with grose jets. My guess is that
> > doint seal as well as the plastic needles.
> Same here. I tried them 2 different times, both times I had more
> flooding problems.
> --
> Frank Clarici
> Toms River, NJ
> The bug in the rice bowl
> http://www.exit109.com/~spritenut