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Re: It's not a matter of money, Trevor

To: "spridgets@autox.team.net" <spridgets@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: It's not a matter of money, Trevor
From: Dave Miles <azdlm@azstarnet.com>
Date: Tue, 11 Nov 1997 18:59:02 -0700
References: <01bcef05$6a4ae760$a050430c@patton-s-cpu> <34690174.8FC8033C@brit.ca>
Reply-to: Dave Miles <azdlm@azstarnet.com>
Sender: owner-spridgets@Autox.Team.Net
Trevor Boicey wrote:

> Patton Dickson wrote:
> > There are people who have had to resort to making their own
> > parts that will work because the part available will not.
> >
> > Should I expect my cars parts to be the finest available, maybe not.  But I
> > should expect that the quality be as good as what was on the car in the
> > first place.
>   There is another "expectation" here though that is less
> reasonable.
>   In order for it all to add up, it also has to be true
> that the part you want in the quality you want is economically
> sensible to be produced.
>   *That* is what I am getting at.
>   You may feel you have a right to top quality parts at
> reasonable prices. However, Moss also has a right to
> not enter in money losing propositions to redesign and
> remanufacture parts that will never sell in enough
> quantities to even recover costs.
>   It's simply a fact of life that it's not always the
> case. Setting up a production run of sidescreen snaps
> of the highest quality to sell to only those who are
> willing to pay premium... well... it just may not be
> worth it.
>   This is a capitalist world. If there is a market in
> providing these parts, somebody will step in and do
> it. It would seem that nobody has decided it is financially
> worth doing.
>   Nothing is stopping any of you from producing any
> part you want and selling it for as much as you decide
> is fair!
> --
> Trevor Boicey
> Ottawa, Canada
> tboicey@brit.ca
> http://www.brit.ca/~tboicey/

 I've been watching this discussion, following along with the volleying.  This 
the same discussion that pervades car restorers who do most of their own work.  
also do Corvairs, and this same problem is there.  Clark's Corvair Parts is the
main supplier, the Moss of Corvairs, but many parts are not available because
they won't do the shoddy oriental repo route.  So which is better, poor parts
that need modification but are available, or no parts at all.  I opt for the 
parts because I can't make my own parts.  Just my 2 cents.


Dave Miles

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