Too much current or too long in any one spot and you will burn through the
panel. Too low and you stick the surface as the weld cannot heat up the
metal fast enough to melt. It's a delicate balance. Practice on junk
metal is always recommended. After that, I've found on Triumph metal that
you end up doing a *lot* of tiny spot welds along the area and jumping from
one area to the next (separated by 3/4" or so) then coming back and hitting
the next adjacent spot and so on until the seam is complete. Grind it down
when you're done.
I don't think you can really get a classic bead on the metal since that
would require putting down enough hot metal that would blow through the
workpiece due to the thickness of the sheet metal.
-Vegaman Dan
This message has been sent by Dan Canaan, aka Flinthoof. All content is
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