Fred, Done it too. Just waiting to go out again as soon as my car gets it's
paint done and I put the trim etc. back on. Perfect evenings right now. In fact
we got together a while back with Reid Simmons and his wife one weekend and
went for a spin with both Spitfires.
'76 Spitfire 1500 (without dents now, but also without paint)
Original Message:
From: Howard Baugues
Date: Thu, 28 Sep 2000 16:27:06 -0400
Subject: Family outing
Actually Fred, my wife and I enjoy a long evening drive just before or at
The top is down, the breeze is blowing and we cruise the country side just
seeing the scenery. It's a wonderful way to spend an evening.
Howard Baugues
76 Spitfire 1500
"Fred Thomas" <>
O/K I have a fair question, does anybody ever go out for a nice casual drive
with the wife/friend, or do we "all" go down these back country roads
looking for another hidden treasure in a barn or under a tarp, not that we
need another one, it's just that if its there and I have the space, why not.
Seems the list has come up with a few more than usual "whats it worth"
lately. Just thinking out loud again "FT"
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