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RE: Bye, unsubscribing

To: "'Spitfires'" <Spitfires@autox.team.net>
Subject: RE: Bye, unsubscribing
From: "Simmons, Reid W" <reid.w.simmons@intel.com>
Date: Fri, 15 Sep 2000 17:27:16 -0700
Keith, Douglas, and others;

The reason the original message was not seen on the list is probably because
it was filtered by our List Owner, which was the correct thing to do.  It
was addressed to both the List and to me personally.  The original repost
was actually sent Thursday morning along with the post below so both were
apparently held up.  I cannot (and will not) repost the message because of
the content plus it will probably be filtered again for the same reason.  I
prefer to just let it die and move on as I have better things to do.  I can,
however, send a copy to individuals upon request.

'79 Spitfire (original owner)

-----Original Message-----
From: Keith R. Stewart [mailto:kstewart@wwdc.com]
Sent: Friday, September 15, 2000 2:36 PM
To: Simmons, Reid W; 'Spitfires'
Subject: Re: Bye, unsubscribing

Simmons, Reid W wrote  To the Spitlist:
> It is too bad that people such as Jason K. Cullum exist in the world and
> this list.  They seem to feel compelled to post unwarranted slander to
> list.  As a result this is my last post to this list as I will be
> unsubscribing.  I will instead spend this time in Jeff's Totally Triumph
> Forum which promises to be far more constructive.  I now believe that
> and some others were right in wanting to unsubscribe to this list because
> recent events.
> Good bye and good luck to all of the good people on this list.
Who is Jason Cullum and what did he do? I haven't seen anything nasty.


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