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Update: Gearbox goofiness

To: spitfires@Autox.Team.Net
Subject: Update: Gearbox goofiness
From: "Eric A. Yates" <eyates@earth.nwu.edu>
Date: Fri, 16 Oct 1998 11:07:50 -0500
Hello and thanks to all who had ideas for me about my misbehaving gearbox.
Here's an update:

Everything is fine. The two isolated incidents of getting "stuck" (once in
2nd, once in neutral) have not occurred again in 200 miles of daily driving
over the last week. Perhaps those incidents were just the car's way of
working out two years of cobwebs... that's how long it was in storage
before I bought the car this summer and finally got it running a couple
weeks ago.

The only remaining "problem" is that it will not shift into 1st until the
car reaches a complete stop (or very near a complete stop). But, since I'd
never really want to shift into 1st unless I was leaving a full stop, it is
not really a problem at all. Once stopped, the gearbox snicks right into
1st, and once underway, all shifts are clean with clean downshifts to all
gears except first. Clutch feel and engagement "zone" are all good.

By the way, to those who suggested topping off the clutch master cylinder:
it was full and did not need topping off. I guess that's good.

Again, thanks to all.


Eric A. Yates * eyates@earth.nwu.edu
1978 Spitfire 1500 * FM 71614 U
Chicago, IL  USA

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