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Re: California Emmisons?

To: "Bollinger, Bob D. (BODB)" <BODB@chevron.com>, <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>,
Subject: Re: California Emmisons?
From: "Laura G." <savercool@msn.com>
Date: Fri, 4 Sep 1998 12:36:34 -0700
This is like a p.s. to my previous message:
Here's a good one- my aunt moved to Arizona a couple of years back and took
her lovely 1977 Mercedes with her. She figured that because it had spent
it's life in CA and passed smog for CA-it would pass in AZ, right?


It wouldn't pass-and it cost her a nice amount of money. (This from a state
that, when you get a DL-lets you keep your out of state DL and plates as a
souviner!) And when she moved to CO a year and a half later-did it pass? If
you guessed no, then you'd be right!

My question-and I'm not alone in this-is, if CA has such a tough emissions
program-why can't cars from here always pass tests from-wherever? (I've
since heard of others who did not pass in other states)

And yet, industry is permitted to pollute year after year? All the while,
they run campigns informing the public that it's people like us-enthusiats
with our little cars that need to be taken off the road to save the air?

I better get off before I start a rant! Sorry

Laura G. and Nigel
-----Original Message-----
From: Bollinger, Bob D. (BODB) <BODB@chevron.com>
To: "'spitfires@Autox.Team.Net'" <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>;
triumphs@Autox.Team.Net <triumphs@Autox.Team.Net>
Date: Friday, September 04, 1998 9:54 AM
Subject: RE: California Emmisons?

>First, let me direct you to an internet site that should explain just
>about everything:
>It has a specific section of information for people moving into
>California.  If you don't have web access let me know and I can copy
>some of the text into an e-mail note to you.
>Verify this with the official info at the web site, but I believe that
>California has stricter laws than the federal standards.  In '91 I
>bought an '86 Mazda in California.  I then moved to Alabama and last
>year moved back to California.  When I went to re-register the Mazda in
>California I had to pay a $300 fee since it didn't have some sticker
>under the hood certifying it in California.  I also had a '90 Honda that
>was purchased new in California and it had this sticker so when I went
>to re-register it I didn't have to pay the fee.
>Your cars will have to pass the smog test which is a tailpipe emissions
>test as well as making sure that all the mandated emissions equipment is
>installed and working properly.  You will also likely have to pay this
>$300 "fee" .  If you have all the emissions equipment that was required
>for your year car then you'll most likely pass the test.  It's a sliding
>scale so older cars before fancy emissions equipment can have "worse"
>This is all my interpretation and remembrance of the rules so make you
>get the official information from the web site.
>In the end though whatever you have to pay is probably worth it to be
>able to drive a convertible around in the gorgeous Southern California
>Bob Bollinger
>'79 Spitfire
>> ----------
>> From: Dave Simpson[SMTP:dsimpson@ds2.ncweb.com]
>> Reply To: Dave Simpson
>> Sent: September 04, 1998 8:58 AM
>> To: "'spitfires@Autox.Team.Net'"; triumphs@autox.team.net
>> Subject: California Emmisons?
>> Sorry to bomb both lists but, I am need of some answers to some
>> questions about getting a 76 federal spitfire and a TR3  licensed  in
>> California. I have just been offered a job in Santa Maria (north of
>> Santa Barbara)
>> Can a 1976 spitfire Federal version meet what ever standards are
>> required?
>> Presently it has a no emission equipment installed,  But I have
>> collected  all of the parts necessary except a functioning EGR valve.
>> The one I have has a bad diaphragm.  If I reinstall all of this
>> ""stuff"
>> will it be able to pass?
>> On the TR3, it has Strombergs carburettors instead of the SU, will
>> that
>> make any difference, what is the deal with older card  such as these?
>> Any other comments on the area or cost of living  will  be greatly
>> appreciated?
>> A big TIA to all,  and have a enjoyable Holiday weekend
>> Dave Simpson
>> NE Ohio for now ???

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