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Re: California Emmisons?

To: Dave Simpson <dsimpson@ds2.ncweb.com>
Subject: Re: California Emmisons?
From: Reed Mideke <rmideke@interbase.com>
Date: Fri, 04 Sep 1998 09:41:25 -0700
        First of all, this isn't really a bomb.  In fact, 
"Tuning your triumph for Uncle Sam" is probably a good
topic for the FAQ. Actually I seem to remember seeing something
like that on one of the LBC sites, but I forget where.

Another Dave wrote:
> There was no special equipment for CA cars.  All federal
> cars met CA specifications.

I seem to remember Victoria and others mentioning differences
for CA and US federal cars. This might merrit more investigation.

You have an advantage in that most smog check guys will have no
idea what a spit is supposed to look like, so if everything 
appears to be hooked up and the tailpipe emmisions are OK,
you can prbably get away non standard stuff. (Yes it really 
came from the factory with headers. I swear ;-)

Some unscrupleous individuals have been known to install
their EGR with a plate instead of a gasket (this may or may
not raise your tailpipe emmissions).

You can usually find an inspection station with a  "pass or
no pay" policy. 

One of my biggest peevs with the CA emmisions system is the
visual inspection. Your car can pass tailpipe well below the 
the limit and still fail because you have the wrong model carb,
or headers or whatever.

On the brighter side, Santa Maria is within day trip distance
of the nice part of coast highway 1, and there are many nice
country roads and some vinyards in the hills to the east.

Dave Simpson wrote:
> Sorry to bomb both lists but, I am need of some answers to some
> questions about getting a 76 federal spitfire and a TR3  licensed  in
> California. I have just been offered a job in Santa Maria (north of
> Santa Barbara)
> Can a 1976 spitfire Federal version meet what ever standards are
> required?
> Presently it has a no emission equipment installed,  But I have
> collected  all of the parts necessary except a functioning EGR valve.
> The one I have has a bad diaphragm.  If I reinstall all of this ""stuff"
> will it be able to pass?
> On the TR3, it has Strombergs carburettors instead of the SU, will that
> make any difference, what is the deal with older card  such as these?
> Any other comments on the area or cost of living  will  be greatly
> appreciated?
> A big TIA to all,  and have a enjoyable Holiday weekend
> Dave Simpson
> NE Ohio for now ???

Reed Mideke                                        rmideke@interbase.com

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