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Re: Spitfire 6 Curiosity

To: <spitfires@Autox.Team.Net>
Subject: Re: Spitfire 6 Curiosity
From: <sharpc@hqce.aetc.af.mil> (Chris Sharp)
Date: Thu, 30 Apr 98 11:21:24 CDT
>>Then aside from the bonnet and firewall mod's all you would have to
> >do is weld a couple of small mounting brackets for the GT6 radiator
>I am actually going to be using a Spit bonnet, and no, it won't clear the
>valve cover and thermo housing, but I am going to be brazing the "power
>bump" from a GT6 bonnet, and then cutting out the metal underneath.  This
>will make for a unique hybrid....

It would be easier and probably cheaper to just swap bonnets.  Then you'd 
get the louvers which will aid in cooling (a little).  Also, this might be 
a zero cost 
option as you could probably trade a good spit bonnet even for a GT-6 or 
perhaps sell it.

my $0.32

64 Spitfire 4  Mk I

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