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Re: Large parts transport system...a proposal

To: "Smith, Brian" <brian_s@deq.state.la.us>
Subject: Re: Large parts transport system...a proposal
From: Joe Curry <spitlist@gte.net>
Date: Fri, 03 Apr 1998 09:48:23 -0800
How about a Travel list posted somewhere so if somebody is making a trip
anyway with extra space for large parts, they can be contacted to haul
something.  Sorta like a freight forwarding agent, who serves truckers
that would end up making the return trip with an empty load.

Something like that would lessen the number of times a large item would
have to be loaded and off-loaded.

Joe Curry

Smith, Brian wrote:
> Dear listers,
>         While looking at the classified ads on the VTR website a thought
> occured to me.  Would it be possible to set up a "relay system"  for the
> transportation of Large or Heavy parts from on part of the counry to
> another?  This is what I envision:  Say I find an Engine in Southern
> Calif. for my TR7.  The lister who offers it for sale transports it to
> the next lister in the chain.  This lister tarnsports it to the next and
> so on until I drive to Houston or some other locale and pick up said
> part.  This would be viable only for large parts that can not be shipped
> via usual common carrier due to weight or extreamly high shipping cost.
> Any thoughts?
> Brian H. Smith
> 1959 TR3
> 1972 Spitfire IV
> 1977 TR7
> Lake Charles, LA

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