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Inside Track Club

To: <shop-talk@Autox.Team.Net>, <>
Subject: Inside Track Club
From: "Mordecai Dunst"<>
Date: Thu, 03 Dec 98 15:02:04 -0800

A few years back a cute sounding HF order taker talked me into joining the 
Inside Track Club. The first flyer I received had a special on a 14" 
McCollough chainsaw for $49.95. I don't have a lot of use for a chainsaw, 
but I figured at that price what can I loose?
     I too bought the  same chain saw from them at about the same time.  
     Sometimes you can get a good deal on "stuff" and you feel good about 
     it.  Once in a great while you make a killer deal and think you are 
     actually cheating someone.  This chain saw was such a deal.  I have 
     used this puppy hard.  I lent it (reluctantly) and it still came back 
     working hard and reliably.  Luck. I have not been on the "inside track 
     club" for about a year.  I have amassed enough "low-end" tools (can 
     you believe I said that!!) -now I am looking for reliability and 

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