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Re: 1973 MGB...How Much??? ( a bit long)

Subject: Re: 1973 MGB...How Much??? ( a bit long)
From: Ben Ruset <>
Date: Sat, 23 May 1998 12:56:34 -0400
>���� This is NOT the kind of discussion and conversation we need on this
>list.� This is a hobby and a joy, not war.

Agreed. He flamed me. I don't understand why people are more offended than I

While I share Jason Sawyer's opinion on Ed Kaler, I do believe that the
harshness of his tone and the brusqueness of his reply speaks more about his
character than anything else I or anyone could post.

Flame wars are stupid and pointless and only detract from the purpose of this
list, which is to have fun and discuss our cars! =)

BEN RUSET - ICQ # 10364973
The MGB Haven & MG Cars Webring


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