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RE: ....and now ..stop

To: "Paul Hunt" <>, "Barrie Robinson" <>, <>, <>
Subject: RE: ....and now ..stop
From: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Date: Tue, 28 Nov 2006 07:37:15 -0800
In-reply-to: <014b01c712d8$2513f7d0$0200a8c0@Three>
Reply-to: "Dodd, Kelvin" <>
Sender: owner-mgb-v8@Autox.Team.Net
Thread-index: AccS2Cs1ynSlfaDCSjaQTxwrrkJmdQAKVO3A
Thread-topic: ....and now ..stop

A quick and dirty test would be to pull the left rear plug wire off.
Stick a screwdriver into the boot and lean the handle of the driver in a
way that there is approx. 1/8 air gap between a part of the driver shaft
and a nice grounded bit, such as a head bolt.

If you choose the right location, you can see the screwdriver around the
bonnet and crank the engine at the same time. Make sure the engine is
not in gear when you do this.

Crank the engine and check to see if a spark is jumping from the
screwdriver to the bolt.

If there isn't one, go to the next step.

With the dist cap off, check the negative lead to the coil as the engine
rotates. If the Lumenition amplifier is working correctly you should see
this lead grounding each time the rotor cuts the electronic eye. If it
is not, then with hope in your heart, check the amplifier power wiring
and connectors, but more than likely it's Visa card time.


Paul Hunt wrote....

But the first test in a non-starter should always be to clip a timing
onto the coil lead and each plug lead and watch for flashes while you
No flashes, then it is ignition.  Flashes, then something else like
especially if it tries to go but won't fully catch.

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