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HELP! (was Re: Steering Rack Play)

To: "MG-T List" <>
Subject: HELP! (was Re: Steering Rack Play)
From: "Lawrie Alexander" <>
Date: Tue, 6 Feb 2001 01:21:55 -0800
Once again, one of my notes has appeared several days after it was sent
(when the thread has already broken) with a suffix saying that "it needed
manual intervention by the list administrator".

What am I doing wrong, that my notes need manual intervention? Is my
computer not configured properly? Ideas, anyone? I hate it that it looks as
though I'm resurrecting threads, repeating points that others have made,
when in fact I had rushed my answer so that I could be the first clever-dick
to offer a public response to the original question..............{G}


[This message delayed, as it needed manual intervention by the list
administrator.  RealSoonNow I'll be sending out a list of the various
reasons mail gets held up.  A lot of it is due to having your mailer set
to automatically include the entire message to which one replies, or not
using plain text, or not sending it to the proper address, and such. mjb.]

/// mailing list

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