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RE: Computer terminology (non-LSR)

To: "'Albaugh, Neil'" <>,
Subject: RE: Computer terminology (non-LSR)
From: "Clay, Dale" <>
Date: Thu, 12 Dec 2002 09:21:42 -0700
Have to go with Wes, on this one, Neil, there is no REAL Mexican food.
Mexico has a huge variety of cuisines and not all hot, but all good.

I like hot, but not in everything.  It is possible to go too hot, there is a
place here in Mesa that servers great chicken wings (the medium), but their
hot wings are SO HOT you can't taste the third one.

I kinda like the NM style (plus the seafood like in Guaymas/San Carlos).
When I travel it the cuisine I miss the most (although SW style cooking is
getting better over in Europe).

Dale C.

                Subject:        RE: Computer terminology (non-LSR)


                If you want REAL Mexican food, you'll have to come to

                Badges? .....We don't need no stinking badges!

                Regards, Neil     Tucson, AZ


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