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Re: NOS Question

To: Keith Turk <>
Subject: Re: NOS Question
From: Joe Amo <>
Date: Tue, 23 Jan 2001 21:10:16 -0700
Here Ed I can help, the 10 pounders (some) like mine, are 20.5 inches
tall and 7 inches in diameter, I believe that there is another 10
version that is taller and with smaller diam..

Please remember more is not always better, and too much IS more than enough

Joe (I say again, going fast with garage parts is fun until you cant go any
faster) Amo

Keith Turk wrote:

> Ed I dont' run the Baby Bottles.... and I just set it up for Two 15lb
> ers.... hmmm ..... think I been hanging out with Dave to long?  they are 27"
> or so.....
> Talk to John Beckett... he has a 10lb bottle ....
> Keith

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