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Re: Wish list items

To: Bob Monday <>,
Subject: Re: Wish list items
From: "R. John Lye" <>
Date: Thu, 02 Sep 1999 07:03:50 -0400
At 04:05 PM 9/1/99 -0700, Bob Monday wrote:
>Has hayone noticed that "some" 9-volt batteries seem to be thicker than
>others? My case doesn't want to screw back together without forcing
>things! Tolerances are too tight from the back, the battery, and the
>board. Maybe a larger case and a piece of removeable foam?

Double check that the little circuit board inside the box is actually
pushed all the way in.  I had this problem too; in fact, one corner
was so high that I couldn't really even force it shut.  Anyway, Byron
suggested checking that the board was all the way home because they'd
had some problems with the assemblers not pushing hard enough.  As it
turned out, I was able to push the circuit board a little deeper into
the case and the problem was solved.


John Lye

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