A little more info regarding Kevlar matting as a scattershield.
This based on my experience of building armored cars, mostly Suburban's for
gov agencies (your tax dollars at work :-)
Kevlar CAN be a good shield, IF it is fully enclosed and protected from the
If the Kevlar mats are not protected, the ballistic value is ZERO, as in
The biggest problem that deteriorates Kevlar is humidity.
Kevlar exposed to the humidity in the outside air, will deteriorate in less
as a year, and have no longer any protective value.
In a race car, it can also be exposed to the rain, and the process will be
One solution, as used in armored cars for the bomb blanket on the floor, is
to encapsulate the Kevlar in fiberglass.
A typical bomb blanket will withstand two NATO DM-51 handgrenades exploded
at 250 mm (+- 10").
Keep this in mind when using Kevlar as a scattershield.
Hope this helps.