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RE: Maaco - was Hobbyists May Be Banned From Buying Paint

Subject: RE: Maaco - was Hobbyists May Be Banned From Buying Paint
From: "Jim InVirginia" <>
Date: Sun, 13 Nov 2005 05:58:49 -0500
I have a friend who had a Maaco Franchise and eventually sold it due to too 
much a pain in the butt for not enough return.  I agree with all that has 
been said, find a Maaco place with a good shooter, and good work coming out 
the door, and discuss who does what part of the prep work in advance.

That being said,
I have a good local paint supplier, and still shoot my own cars.  My 
favorite is sherwin willliams base coat, and they cheaper faster drying 
local line of clear coat.  I have a huge furnace blower that sucks air out 
of my paint booth, drawing warm resonably dust free air in from the roof 
vents.  I wear a good quality organic vapor mask.  So far no problems from 
the neighbors.  I do have furnace filters over the blower to filter out a 
good part of the paint spray, but of course all the volitile stuff goes 
right thru.

I have not yet heard of the new latex car paints.  That will be safe and 
easy.  Wonder if it will shoot thru a normal paint gun??

Best Regaards,
Chesapeake Virginia

>From: "Paul" <>
>Reply-To: "Paul" <>
>To: "datsunmike" <>
>CC: "Datsun Roadster List" <>
>Subject: Maaco - was Hobbyists May Be Banned From Buying Paint
>Date: Fri, 11 Nov 2005 08:39:00 -0500
>   I had an Opel GT that had a beautiful candy apple red paint job the drew
>comments where ever I drove it.  Even took 2nd in class at an all German 
>show.  When folks asked who painted it, I always hesitated before saying
>   Before recommending or condemning Maaco, remember they are a franchise.
>Any one with the bucks and a bit of talent can open up a Maaco shop.  Find
>one with a good painter and an owner willing to take the time to do nice
>work, and you can get a good paint job from them.
>   Or go to just any old Earl Schib (SP?) $29.95, No ups, No extras, paint
>shop and then watch as the paint peels off your car a week later at 50 mph!
>----- Original Message -----
>From: datsunmike <>
> > I know someone who works for Maaco and in a discussion with him they 
> > they will paint the car the way you want it like painting the fenders 
> > the car and the like for an additional charge.
> >
> > I met a restorer several years ago who used Maaco exclusively to paint 
> > cars after he did the bodywork and he was quite impressed with the work
> > done. He said it didn't pay for him to do it himself because of all the
> > environmental restrictions and costs, especially for the paint booth.
> >
> > He did however shoot the fillable primer himself at his shop using an 
> > gun and block sanded the car prior to paint.
> >
> > Mike
> >
> > PS - I think with the introduction of the new latex paints under
> > and as now used by all the major auto companies, the painting ban will 
> > for naught.
> >
> > My neighbor who owns a body shop can't wait for the latex paints as it
> > make his life easier and cheaper.
> >
> > I think that even aircraft manufacturers are switching to latex paints.

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