Definitely, plus it really screws up your schedule standing on the side of
the road scratching your watch and winding your butt.
I elimintaed the little glass bowl filter and have been using the large
metal inline filters ahead of the fuel pump.
The gas tank was boiled and cleaned out at a radiator shop and was spotless
when I put it on the car, or so I thought. It could also be that I got ahold
of some bad gas somwhere along the way.
I will probably add a glass inline filter after the pump to carbs.
>From: Roman Rist <>
>To: Ben Zech <>
>CC: datsun roadsters <>
>Subject: Re: Trashy Stuff (fuel filter)
>Date: Tue, 11 Jul 2000 13:41:37 -0700 (PDT)
>Ben, That can sure wreak havoc on your performance.
>My 67.5 has some gas tank issues. It is holding onto a lot of crap. I
>install on my cars those clear glass tube type fuel filters. first in
>line from the tank, along with another filter right before the pump.
>might be overkill, but I can always see what is going on and have no
>worries that my carbs aren't getting the gas they deserve,or worse,
>getting clogged up with crap.
>look in your floatbowl, most likley there is some sediment on the
>bottom.To clean this, I've put in some fresh gas, stirred it around a
>bit to loosen up the sludge, then used a wet dry vac to suck it all
>out. Also, spay out your needle valves with carb cleaner (reverse of
>the fuel flow) this will make sure they aren't clogged. Clean carbs are
>happy carbs!
>Roman Rist
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