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Turbo R16

To: "Roadsters (E-mail)" <>,
Subject: Turbo R16
From: "Hall, Phillip" <>
Date: Wed, 17 May 2000 12:51:05 -0500
OK list I thought I would inject my experiences with turbo charging a R16 in
a '68 Roadster.

I did this in '79, so it may not be totally accurate - but close.

I bought a turbo and waste gate (7 & 11 pound springs) from turbosonic for
the right size of motor.  I built the exhaust manifold from a stock header.
This collected into a 3 inch pipe then into the waste gate/turbo.  The exit
on exhaust came forward and down to the exhaust system.  Note the turbo set
with the intake to the master cylinder.  The carburetor I used was a Weber
32/36 down draft to which I build a manifold right into the turbo intake.
The exit connected to the stock intake (less SU's) via a collector the
connected the two into one.  The turbo pressure outlet was a � inch from the
intake collector.  I was trying to lessen turbo lag.

Engine mods.  I O-ringed the block - an hour project.  The rods were
polished with good bolts.  The assembly was balanced.  I used 2L pistons
(flat top) and a brand new head (130 bucks! If I only knew).   I used a new
stock cam and ran a 5 speed.  I also used water injection.

The thing started right up!  When I first started it I left the exit of the
turbo and could watch the turbine work - neat and actually pretty quiet.  I
did not run on the street this way.   After a couple of teething problems
the Roadster ran great.  Perfect idle, strong puller in any gear.   I ran
this motor for two years as a daily driver with no break downs.  I put over
40,000 miles on it in that time.  

Doing the calculations on speed/times the HP worked out to 180.  This is
realistically too high.  The rear wheel HP was most likely in the 165 HP
range.  I raced a few 2000's with SU and bet them without any problem.  I
never raced a Solex Roadster.  At full song this thing really flew!!  And at
30+ MPG on the highway.

Overall this was a very fun and reliable Roadster that was very fast.  I
lost it in an accident and went retrieve the Roadster in the impound lot and
was gone.  The fight with the insurance co. lasted two year and I got $1400.

John (another SEROCer) and myself are talking about another turbo R16.  This
may be our winter project.  The only thing expensive about this approach to
more HP is the turbo and waste gate, but these can be had as rebuilds pretty
cheap.  I agree with Mike - if you try and pull stumps you will burn a
motor, but I ran this Roadster very hard and never hurt it.  It may be
better to run injection, but if I could duplicate past results there is no
reason it is needed. 

Just a Roadster moment in time

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