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RE: Carb mods?

To: "" <>,
Subject: RE: Carb mods?
From: Jim Tyler <>
Date: Fri, 26 Nov 1999 18:06:01 -0500
Why don't you just go with solexes of webers?  ALOT less hassle than Bike carbs.
Some of the Mikuni bike carbs are quite nice but the linkage/cables/manifold 
etc would be a nightmare.  Anyway, PHH's look  just as impressive IMHO.   

If you want to abuse yourself with a project just for fun, build an FI system.  
That would 
outperform the bike carbs anyway and be trouble free.  

(Any of this would sort of be silly on a 1.6 anyway, the SU's are fine.  That 
goes for most 2L's

Jim "Punkin Pie" Tyler
Happy Thanksgiving!

From:   Calvin Grandy[]
Sent:   Friday, November 26, 1999 3:20 PM
To:     Gordon Glasgow;
Subject:        Re: Carb mods?

Well that's the reason for the "Bank of four".  These sets come on a rail, and 
are fitted and removed as a unit.  Sync'ing the carbs is pretty easy with   
"carb stix"  I do not know why these carb balancing devices are not much 
considered in the auto topic group, they are standard fare with those of two 
wheeled persuasion.  I am going to follow the idea  just for the hood popping 


Calvin Grandy

> From: Gordon Glasgow <>
> To:
> Subject: Re: Carb mods?
> Date: Friday, November 26, 1999 2:19 PM
> Don't forget the down-side of trying to synch 4 carbs instead of just 2! But 
>it certainly would be a conversation starter when you popped the hood!
> Calvin Grandy wrote:
> > Has anyone heard of putting a bank of four carbs from a large capacity 
>motorcycle on an engine like the 1600's?  A set off a 1100 to 1300 cc 
>motorcycle should flow plenty of air.
> >

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