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RE: P76 V8 rebuild info

To: "'simon@dpiwe.tas.gov.au'" <simon@dpiwe.tas.gov.au>
Subject: RE: P76 V8 rebuild info
From: Gregory Williams <gwilliams@broadbase.com>
Date: Fri, 12 Jan 2001 11:40:16 -0500
Hi again Simon.  
        The heads on the web site used by Bryan Daley are the cast iron
65-67 Buick 300 heads.  True, the valve sizes and ports are MUCH larger than
the Rover/P76 heads but there is a weight penalty involved in using them.
Also, as he has shown, there are extra water passages in the face of the
heads that the Rover based block don't have so they have to be plugged up
(as he has done).  Not to mention the exhaust passages in the the intake
side of the heads for manifold heat.  Rover/Buick 215 heads heat the intake
manifold via water passages.  The later cast iron Buick heads heat the
intake with exhaust gas.  Those passages have to be plugged up.  The
aluminum 1964 Buick 300 head has slightly smaller valves and ports than the
cast iron Buick heads but they are larger than the Rover based heads and
don't require any plugging up of any kind.  So if you need better heads, see
if you can't scare up a set of those.  


-----Original Message-----
From: Simon Pigot [mailto:simon@dpiwe.tas.gov.au]
Sent: Thursday, January 11, 2001 9:03 PM
To: Gregory Williams
Subject: Re: P76 V8 rebuild info

Hi Greg,

Thanks for the reply!

Gregory Williams wrote:

> Well... I can answer a few questions anyway.
> Heads - Yes, they are interchangeable.  All Buick and Rover V8 heads will
> work on the P76 block and yes, just ignore the third row of headbolts.
> BUT... The P76 oils the top end from the lifters (cam followers), UP
> hollow pushrods to the rocker arms.  The Rover/Buick oils UP from an oil
> passage in the block, through the rocker arms and DOWN to the lifters via
> the pushrods.  So, if you're going to use Rover heads on the P76 block,
> you'll have to come up with a method of oiling the top end.  I've been
> that it's OK to use the P76 lifters & pushrods and keep the Rover rocker
> arms and shafts.

Hmm - thanks for the info - I wonder if it might be better to go for some
300 heads as shown on:


I just wonder why the extra water jacket holes had to be plugged and how
difficult/costly that would be. Also looks like there may be some other
problems there eg. special valley cover gasket, different head bolts :-(

> Main bearing caps - Yes, you can use Rover V8 main studs and bolts.  I
> a set and they fit perfectly.

Great - I'll get a Rover 3.5 main bearing stud kit and use those instead of
shonky/shitty bolts.

> Pistons - Don't know that one.  I've also been told that if you keep the
> stock bore, then it's OK to use Rover V8 pistons.
> Head gaskets - I'd use composites.  Better sealing.

Yeah - seems to be the concensus doesnt it?  I'll do that - apparently
brings a
slight drop in compression but oh well it doesnt really matter I suppose.

> Intake manifold - P76 was only available with a 2BBL intake.  Port sizes
> the same as the Buick 215/Rover V8 so no performance improvement can be
> expected.  If you want more snap then go for the Edelbrock Performer 4BBL
> intake with adapter plates.  OR, you can up gun to the 4BBL single plane
> intake available from Wilpower.  No adapter plates needed.  If you're
> running LPG, low speed drivability and cold weather running shouldn't be a
> problem.  Price is $490AU
> http://www.jedmotors.com.au/specials.html
> If you need any more info, contact this gent, Mike Rammelt
> [mrammelt@iinet.net.au].  This guy knows EVERYTHING!  Boy... sure wish I
> some bucks to finish MY motor!!!!!

Thanks for the info Greg! Let me know what you do.

Mines a conversion job into my 6 cylinder TC Cortina (or it will be if I can
get the details worked out). Should be a fun car once its rolling. SOme
have advised against the P76 4.4 mainly because its bigger (wider than than
3.5 Rover) and it doesnt give that much more power/torque than the 3.5
the larger size. Any thoughts?


Simon Pigot
GIS Unit, Parks and Wildlife Service,
Level 6, 134 Macquarie St,                              Ph: +61 3 62 338357
Hobart, Tasmania, Australia, 7001                       Fax: +61 3 62 332744

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