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Re: e-bay long

To: Fred Thomas <>
Subject: Re: e-bay long
From: Jim & Nadia Higgins <>
Date: Thu, 01 Feb 2001 19:36:53 -0500

For what it is worth, I think that this is the proper way to go for the
various car lists (british car, triumphs, mg's, etc.) but the autojumble
( was created just for this purpose.  If you
want to list any of your sales at that site, I, for one, would see
nothing improper in your doing so.  A link to the auction would also

As an alternative, you may want to set up a web site with your inventory
list, so that interested parties could see what is available and make
offers.  Of course it is hard to beat the auction as a process for
setting prices.

Best of luck,  Jim

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