Here's a rundown of a typical BMCA meeting (British Motoring Club of
1) Minutes from last meeting.
2) Treasurers report.
3) Announcements for upcoming events, reports on last events, such
as winners/losers of rallies, trophies won etc.
4) Tech talk. Simple to the outrageous.
5) Intro guests and new members, and share/brag about new cars
6) Door prize. Books, magazines, small tools, oil.
We also have a Christmas party every year. Last year we had quarts
of Castrol 20W50 for centerpieces!
We usually have an event per month. The December event is the party.
January is the polar bear run. We have one rally, a couple of tours,
a couple of's a fun group, even if I'm one of the black sheep
who actually likes sports cars for performance applications (instead of
just pretty toys).
(who is about to <maybe> actually do some cosmetic work on his 'B!)