Assuming that most of us belong to local clubs, what do you do at
these get-togethers? Our meetings are fairly boring and that may be hurting
our membership. Last spring we spent 15 minutes at three consecutive
meetings trying to decide what bank to open an account in. If I had been a
new member and the first meeting revolved around what checking account was
best, I likely wouldn't have come back. What kind of events/talks/etc are
part of your local meetings? What type of events do hold outside of your
monthly meetings? Our meetings are typically an hour to an hour and a half
long. What can be done to spice that time up and make it more enjoyable for
all? Part of our problem is that we are a some what polar club. We have a
core of old timers that are of the show and tell type. And then there are
some of us kids that are more into wrenching and driving. While I know that
no single event can keep everyone happy, help me guide our club to a happy
middle ground. What is encouraging is that I am the newsletter editor so I
have one method to shape the club. The new president is also of the wrench
and drive type. Please don't take this wrong. I am not against the older
club members and their spotless "T's and A's". It is great to see these
cars and dream that someday I may own one. But if all we do is oh and ah
over their cars, the club will die. Give me suggestions as to what can be
done to keep us kids happy as well.
If you think this is not relevant enough for the whole list, send
your response directly to me. In any case, many, many thanks for any and
all replies!
Mark A Dodd Working in the dark (infrared)
email: Working in the grease (MGs)
Snail: 2700 D St, Ste 2 Working in the dust (212 Central
WPAFB, OH 45433-7405 Dayton, OH)
(513) 255-5581